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Situation 805: “My brother is killing my game”


Please don’t say my name. Thank you for taking the time to read my email. So I live with a buddy and my brother who is 7 years older than me. So here’s the thing, my buddy and I like to go out and pick up on girls and yeah sometimes they come over and chill. We have this unspoken set of rules where it’s common sense to us if we are bringing someone over, we won’t bother that person. Well my big brother has been staying with since July and it’s getting annoying because the house dynamics have changed. He has been out of the dating scene for a while, he’s divorced. And he just doesn’t know how to pick up on girls. He’s gone out with us a few times and he comes off as a creep and doesn’t realize it. Well it’s been killing our game whenever he comes out with us. We have been going out without him, telling him it was unplanned or it was last minute. Lately he’s been pulling it off showing up to the places we chill at uninvited and it’s a vibe killer. He’s so awkward sometimes he can’t take a hint and makes the girls around uncomfortable. It’s a buzz kill. How do I tell him I don’t want him hanging out with us with out hurting his feelings, I love him but I don’t need to hang out with him all the time. Also I can’t tell him to move out because we are also dependent on his portion of the rent. A reason I moved out was so I can do whatever I want, I feel stuck, he’s killing my game. Help! (email your situation to:

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