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Situation 805: “My husband is leaving to his home town in Mexico for 2weeks…”

Can someone tell me how to act cool about this? In 4 years I haven’t spent more than one night away from my husband, and a couple months ago we had a baby. So here is my situation he’s hopping on a plane to Mexico to visit family and to check out his town’s fiestas . I’m trying to be the “cool” wife and act like it’s fine but it’s really bothering me. I know if I bring it up he’s going to freak out and it’s going to start a huge fight. I don’t have any help with the baby besides him so it will be me and the baby 24/7 for 2
weeks. He ask me a couple month back about it and I had said maybe lets talk about it when we get closer to the date or just wait till the baby is older and we can take him with us there but we didn’t talk he just went out and bought his ticket to go along his parents and sister. When I brought it up and said that what he did was not cool he responded with he needs a little break because he works hard and and he is looking forward to this trip and he hasn’t been back to his home town in over 9 years….
Would you ladies be okay with this? Am I wrong for telling him that he better not be surprise when he comes home and we are not here any more since he chose that over helping me?? (email your situation:

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