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Situation 805: “My wife is pregnant by another man, I don’t mind raising the child as my own except…”

Whats going on Danger and DjEwrek want to say thank you for doing situation 8-0-5 and giving us a platform to share and ask questions anonymously it makes it easier for me to share this. So here goes nothing… This is a tough one to share but I will let you know out the gate what it is. My wife is pregnant with another man’s child and the father wants to be a part of the child’s life. I still love my wife and want to work things out and not divorce and she as well wants to fix our relationship. With out going into a long story this all happen a while back when we both went through a bumpy time in our relationship and for reasons beyond my control she decided to have a encounter with this guy and this was the result. We both are going to counseling and it’s helping me , there is only one thing I can’t get past. It’s the fact this guy wants to be apart of the child’s life when he or she is born. We are waiting until doctors appointment before we make any decision. Just to make sure all the facts are there….. I have told my wife I want to fix things but no way am I staying around if he wants to be around the baby when it’s born. How do I deal with this?

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