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Situation 805: “After 12 years of knowing my girlfriend, she still doesn’t know if I’m the one…”

My girlfriend and I have been together for about 7 years. I say “about” because we have split up twice in the 12 years of knowing each other. I’m at a stage were I want to settle down and have a family, so I’m really looking into things long term. I have no idea why we broke up those two times in the past. It was on her part, her choice, but she couldn’t give me an explanation about it. Things just ended abruptly, and when we talked about it she brought it down to ‘a misunderstanding”. The first time we split, it was for about a month. The next time it happened, I accepted a job in another city, moved away for a few years, and in that time we reconnected and I ended up moving back. I did have my fair share of flings and so did she, I’ve never held anything against her, and she hasn’t against me. So fast forward to today and my question…. our relationship I think is strong and has been strong for a few years. My girl and I have had conversations about taking this to the next level and getting married, having kids and so on….. she on the other hand says she is still trying to figure out if our relationship has legs to last….. what??? Am I wasting my time after I have given 12 years of my life to this girl??? should I stay or should I go??? (email your situation to:

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