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Situation 805: “I proposed to my gf and the wedding is 4 weeks away… I’m getting cold feet!”

Situation 805 is sponsored by Paul Greco Law who knows the local justice system and who will defend your freedom. Give him a call (805) 864-2611, or stop by 731 S. Lincoln st. in Santa Maria.
Hello, I’m suppose to be getting married in exactly 4 weeks. A month ago, I was 100% sure I want the marriage but a week ago I started to get worried about the marriage. Basically I know, nothing will change after the marriage because its just a piece of paper, but somehow I’m still scared. I guess I’m just nervous”. My mind cant think of anything else, on how scared I am. One day I am like I can’t the next day I am saying I can to myself I guess the mind change happens because I don’t really want to hurt her….. or maybe because of my depression…. I do want to stay together with her I am not trying to break up, plus we are also living together…. the hard part of telling her also is all the money that has been spent by both of our families on this wedding…has anybody ever been in the same situation? How did you started the conversation and how did it all end? What would you recommend to me??? I feel awful for “changing” is it to late to change my mind?
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