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Situation 805: “My Coworker’s Gym Clothes Are Stinking Up The Office!”


Hey guys and good morning I’m emailing you because I have a coworker who brings gym clothes to work every day in a gym bag. He goes to work out at lunch and the bag stinks like smelly clothes and shoes. For some reason he keeps the bag under his desk and must have gone nose blind to it because the entire office smells because of it and no one complains to him directly about it. So yesterday I brought in Fabreeze and sprayed his bag while he wasn’t at his desk. I told him and he was mad at me but does he have any right to be mad at me? He’s the one stinking up the office not me! He told HR but they aren’t taking it seriously so I wanted to get your opinion on it. Am I a jerk or is he just incredibly inconsiderate?

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