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Situation 805: “An older guy asked me out on a date”


Good morning Danger & Louis, I wore an anime t-shirt to the cafe that I go to several times a week and an older guy came up and started chatting me up about it. It’s a pretty obscure subject, so I thought it was cool that he recognized it. He was friendly and didn’t give me a creepy vibe at all. I didn’t remember having seen him before, but now every time I’m in the cafe, I see him and we’ll say hello and maybe make some small talk. I don’t mind chatting with him, but yesterday, he gave me his business card and asked if I’d like to go see a movie this weekend. I don’t know what to make of it. He’s a good bit older than I am and I don’t want to lead him on, but I’m not 100% opposed to seeing where it goes. How can I thread this needle so I’m not completely giving him the “go ahead” to make a move on me, but still see where this might be going? (email your situation to:

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