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Situation 805: “My high school bully needs a favor”


Danger and Loui, good morning!! I haven’t thought about my high school bully for years, and now the douchebag has come into my life. I work at a bank, and it appears that he knows it because he’s called asking for me and reached out to me via email for help. It seems that he’s having financial problems and thinks that his “old pal from high school” might be in a position to help him out. On one hand…yes…I am in the position to help him out. On the other hand, this is a guy who mocked me, assaulted me, and make me feel like crap for four years to make himself feel like a bigger man. I felt like I let this crap go a long time ago, but it’s all rushing back and I feel like either not helping him…or…helping him, and then making his life inconvenient after everything is signed…which is well within my power. Any advice? (email your situation to

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