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Situation 805: “I got in trouble with my landlord over a revenge prank”


Hi, good morning Danger and Loui!!! One of the things that sucks about living in a large apartment building is the rude people who think their laundry is more important than yours. Now, I’ve gotten a “warning letter” from my landlord because of a prank I pulled to express that I’d had enough. There’s a selfish woman that lives a floor down from me who’s well known for waiting for someone to put some coins in a dryer and start it up…then she swoops in and takes out their clothes and puts hers in…while the other person’s clothes stay wet and laying on a table. Over the weekend, I busted her, but rather than confront her, I stopped one of her washers and poured a packet of red Kool-Aid powder into it…and I stopped one of her dryers and added an opened package of buttery-flavored microwave popcorn. Now, the landlord is telling me how much damage I could’ve done and that my actions were “uncalled for,” and even threatened to sue me. First, can that stuff really damage the machines? And second, what about confronting this a-hole on stealing other people’s machines? (email your situation to:

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