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  • Situation 805: “I broke up with my girlfriend because she changed her look without telling me first…”

Situation 805: “I broke up with my girlfriend because she changed her look without telling me first…”


Good morning guys. My girlfriend and I have been together on and off for 2 years. She recently went out to get her hair done and was gone for like 8 hours. When she finally came back to my place her hair went from blonde to blue and she had an eyebrow piercing and nose piercing. She did all of this without asking me if I would be ok with it. Now I’m not a controlling boyfriend at all but I feel like if she’s going to make such a drastic change she should have at least gotten my opinion about it. When I said that to her it led to a fight and we broke up. It’s probably for the best as much as I really didn’t want to break up. So am I a jerk for being so upset or is it not my place as the boyfriend to have an opinion on how my girlfriend changes her look? I mean if I decided to shave my head and my beard and get a tattoo on my face I think she would want to know before I did it. What does everyone think about this situation?


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